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The Masse in Billiard

This kind of play is used basically to save a shot blocked. Another of its most common uses is to put the white in a good position to enthrone next ball.

* If the distance between the cue ball and object ball is more than 5 diamonds using a semi-masse, more commonly known as chop the ball. This move is performed using a high bridge, a tilt angle of the cue 30 to 55 degrees and effect to the left or right.

* For shorter distances used en masse. You must hit the cue ball with the heel angle of 55 to 80 degrees. The point of attack must be to the left or right of the center of the ball about 8 mm distance away from the periphery. One of the most complex plays billiards.

* The pique is a massé but without effect. The angle of heel is 55 to 90 degrees. The ball goes forward and then back to actuate the friction of the ball on the cloth.

For this type of plays using a different bridge. The middle finger, ring and little finger resting on the cloth, index finger picked (to avoid touching the ball), and without stretching the thumb ring.

If the blow is strong can turn the bridge into the air. Hand and arm free ring fitting. Some players support the elbow on the table. It takes practice.

The easiest way to grab the hilt is cojerla like a dart, with two or three fingers.

A common mistake is applying too much force to the shot. The ball bounces off the cloth and thus losing a turn causes friction. With a shot at half strength enough to do a good massé

For these moves is essential to chalk the cue well not only because of the risk blunder but because it needs all the possible grip.

Based on an article by Victor Maduro

The Masse:

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