first contact the lowest ball on the table, otherwise it incurs "no", which will provide "ball in hand" to the opponent. For this reason, when the player is "covered" should try a play jumping, "before banda" (played luxury) or cause the minga describe a curve ball to dodge obstacles.
1. Long Massé .- When the distance between the Ming and the ball is about five diamonds or more, or if the required curve is not very pronounced, can "bite the ball" (semi-Mass). To make this move to use an elevated bridge and attack effect (left or right) inclined at an angle of about 30 to 55 degrees so that the curve describing the required minga (slip). If the Minga is close to the band, can place a conventional bridge over the frame of the table, thereby generating the lift required to run this play.
2. Massé .- When the distance between the Ming and the ball is short or if the required curve is steep, it uses "mass". At the Mass (one of the most difficult plays billiards, where the cap should always be well-heeled chalk) is attacked minga up and down at an angle of about 55 to 80 degrees (up to 90 ° in the "pique" ). The point of attack is 8 to 10 mm to the left or right of vertical (effect). Minga initially covers the surface of the table in a straight line, then describes a curve and then travels in straight lines.
3. Knowledge .- The fact to understand the physical phenomena that occur at the attack angle and effect (the phenomenon of "deviation", jumps, curves, etc.). Allows the player to detect certain defects in its execution (remember that the pool is a continuous learning process). Most times the ball is not a failure because it "said wrong" but because minga described a caused a curve or "send" to the object ball.
4. Bridge .- The "bridges" that are used at the Mass are different from conventional ones. The middle finger, ring and little finger resting on the cloth, index finger picked (to avoid touching the ball) and thumb outstretched, ring-free and without support the palm on the table. If the shock is strong, you can use a "bridge in the air" (ring-free hand and arm tight to the body) which requires a lot of practice to master, players grab some clothes to stabilize the arm and other support elbow on the table.
5. Posture .- The line of sight must be top down, why the body posture should be upright. It is often more comfortable to sit on under the table and, depending on the position, it can support the forearm on the thigh.
6. .- The handle to handle heavy blow may be traditional, but for most of the plays, it is preferable to take the cue with two or three fingers as if he were throwing a dart.
7. Attack type attack .- The Mass is different from that used in the play jump in which you want the heel (or toe) to contact the minga rebound. At the Mass must be "inside" the ball to contact the cloth Amente practice. Do not withhold fell swoop, by contrast, must be pressed minga the table. A common mistake among beginners (not just the mass but in all games) is "hitting" the ball when in fact they should "push."
8. Classic Fantasy .- Twelve of the 76 plays of the "Artistic Pool" consists of Massa. As shown present one whose coefficient is eleven points.

9. Strike Force .- A mistake I made was to tacar the ball near its periphery with strong blow. My teacher Massa, the great Argentine player Jose "Pechito" Dichiaro (RIP) this defect corrected me a few years ago. Unless it is a "fantasy" as the program in Artistic Billiards (which uses a block of 23 ounces, 50 inches long, with a cap of 14 mm in diameter) most of the moves can be made successfully with a strike, more is at half strength. When attacking hard, the ball jumps and causing a "diversion."
10. Taco tilt .- The lower slope of the block (and stronger all at once) the longer the path of the ball straight before describing the curve. In pique, with an attack inclined (55 ° to 70 °) forward force is large, the backward force is small, therefore the decline is slow. When the attack is vertical (70 ° to 90 °) forward force is small, the rearward force is large, hence the decline is rapid. The application of this resource is indispensable in the form of "box" where you want to back the # 1 ball a considerable distance, but to keep the balls together, do not want the ball # 2 scroll long distances.
11. Total Effect massé .- The ball is pressed between the cap block (force) and the table top (resistance) providing much greater effect on the ball (due to the high friction) in the attack with the cue parallel to the board. The more effect has the ball, the more pronounced the curve. If the point of attack was at its highest point and the heel to 90 degrees, the ball would be caught, not moving, but as attacks outside the center, the pressure produced causes the ball "shot out" ( as when a wet seed is squeezed between the fingertips) acquired with two movements: translation (the ball "skating" in a straight line) and effect (the spinning ball on an inclined plane) establishing a struggle between these two movements. As the speed decreases, the rotation of the ball (effect) because, due to friction with the
cloth, describing a curve in his career. Then the two forces converge and start a career minga straight as natural rotation accumulates.
12. Point of Attack .- As mentioned above, the point of attack should not be near the periphery, not only for the possible "blunder", but because no increased resistance to the cue, you will most likely hit it strongly abusing the table cloth. The ball must strike near the center to put more pressure on the table and provide as much effect.
The final trajectory of the Minga (after describing the curve) is parallel to the hypothetical line that connects (and through) the point resting on the table where the Ming and the point at the center of the cloth cap would contact if through the Minga at the time of attack. This means that the player can determine the final trajectory of the ball if you view the play beforehand and calculates the proper point of attack.
13. Practice .- In general, owners of pool halls do not allow the practice of Massa for the damage they cause to the play equipment, for example, break the cloth! Some academies in Europe Billiards tables are small (3 'x 6') for young people to learn the technique, especially in the "American series." Some owners allow the practice of it just before changing the table cloth. I know who practice at home on the dinner table, tacando a circle drawn on a sheet of paper. The behavior of the Minga (distance and direction of its initial trajectory, the curve describing and address on your final walk) is determined by three factors: Tilt taco, point of attack and force of the blow; recommend repeating practice shooting two variables and changing one, for example : practice often a play on the same angle of the cue and the same point of attack, only to vary the force of the blow. At first practice with putt, then you can increase the intensity of the blow progressively.
14. Other Advantages .- In addition to dodging the balls obstacle, MASS can be used after dunk a ball, to run the minga a table area that allows the player to sink the next ball. Other practical uses are to avoid a "leash" when the Minga is very close to the ball of the day, like to make a layup carambola ("9"!).
Based on an article by Victor Maduro
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