"Some people use only their intuition billiard restricting their ability to play. Obviously there comes a time when its development is inhibited by lack of knowledge and to progress, they must acquire them. The study and application of theory will help much to develop their potential. "
1. Besides the effects that acquires the Ming being attacked outside their vertical axis and which acquires
By transmitting the object ball minga, there are also those made by friction, which we call "frictional effects."
There are 3 types of effects gained by friction:
a) When a ball that travels no effect against the band hits at an angle, not perpendicular, it bounces back and takes effect (in favor) whose intensity is a product of the speed with which the ball travels, the angle of incidence, the reaction the band (coefficient of elasticity of the rubber) and the friction of cloth (friction).
b) When a ball is hit stationary "fine" on the other, traveling without effect (or the opposite effect), the ball takes effect in the same sense (direction) on the impact side.
c) When a ball traveling void collides with another, which is at rest, takes effect because of the impact (an external force that causes rotation or moment). The effect can be acquired right or left, and opposite the point of application of force. Left if the moving ball was hit right in the center and vice versa.
2. By attacking with effect three things can happen:
a) That the minga thrown out in the opposite direction given effect (the phenomenon of deviation);
b) The minga describe a curve in its path on the surface of the table (slip);
c) That the object ball, the phenomenon of shipping, go through the table on a path that does not match the "center line" when contact with the Minga.
To counter these events must calculate the "spotlight" adequate. This prediction (tolerance) is called "offset".
3. We must remember, especially in positional play, that: "The power of minga before impact with the object ball is the sum of the energies of the Ming and the object ball after impact" (Newton's Third Law ). The energy does not change, it is divided. This means that to determine the force that we use in our attack, we must consider, among other things, "both" ball. Among the finest is the "both" ball given, the less distance the ball travels on duty, and more distant travels minga. The initial velocity of the minga should be proportional to the distance minga must travel in order to be resting in good position for the next move.
4. When attacking, according to proponents of this theory, we must measure the eye "dominant" (as when pointing through a rifle), this means that the block should be moved below the dominant eye during the swing. For most right-handed people, the right eye is dominant too, for lefties is left. There are few cases, 5% - when the opposite is true. Also, there are cases when either eye is dominant, and in still others, that the dominance is shared, meaning that sometimes the right eye dominant and in others left.
5. To find your dominant eye the following test: Extend your arm fully forward. Make a fist and place the thumb up. With both eyes open, focus on a distant object (preferably vertical) and place your finger so that the tape (note the finger becomes transparent). Close the left eye. If the finger becomes solid and cover your subject, your eye "dominant" is right. But if the finger jumps to the side allowing you to see the whole object, his left eye is dominant.
6. An exercise that helps improve performance and indicating the position of the heel to measure, is as follows: Place a mirror on the table and then pointing to the cap balancing is reflected in the mirror.
See if the cue is held under the chin or under one of the eyes (if you're out of your face, correct your posture). When the cap contacts the mirror both rights must be fully tacos. If you are out or if during the swing is moving the end of the cylinder head side to side, you must correct the defect. Practice balance, even in a bottle attack. Such exercises will develop your performance enormously.
7. a) When minga attacks on its axis vertical 7 / 10 of its height (center of percussion) will roll away naturally, without effects or often.
b) When a ball is rolling on a horizontal axis, performs a complete revolution to travel the distance of its circumference.
c) A ball that rolls contains kinetic energy of two types, linear (translational energy) and rotational (angular energy). The "torque", which is independent of the momentum carries the ball forward, remains latent after the impact with a ball and forces
continue rolling forward.
8. When minga attacks in the center (or a ball is colliding with another) begins its linear motion, translation, without rotation (slip) as it moves, the friction with the cloth, forcing the ball to stop slipping and causes gradually accumulate rotation to roll naturally, that is, acquire "natural rolling."
9. The often occurs when the minga taca its vertical axis to 3 / 4 of its height (the maximum possible without mess up)
The effort of the coup was broken down into two elements of strength: one drives the minga horizontal to
forward (giving speed) and vertical generating a "torque." He gets a natural rolling further rotation, and minga accelerated by virtue of the "moment of rotational force" in it. After walking half a second (4 inches), this poor-rotation dissipates and Ming continues his career with natural rolling.
10. The vast majority of the plays we call a row are actually natural bearing. The followed is needed in some fancy moves, for example in the "whip attack run" (Fr. "fouetté-coul coup"). Because often, with some exceptions, has no practical use, it is not advisable to attack the minga
higher than 7 / 10 of its height and that there is no benefit, however, increases the chance of gaffes.
11. a) A physical body is considered elastic. Elasticity is the property that every body has to retain its original shape and return to it after it has been subject to deformation. The force-deformation is called the modulus or coefficient of elasticity.
b) When two balls are tied, the "touch point" that unites them is very small but when
two billiard balls collide, they occur in a deformation that is proportional to the force of the blow.
c) To assess the deformation of the balls at the moment of contact, put carbon paper in front of
a ball and, with the minga taqueéla front. You will notice that the diameter of the "focal point" increases.
d) When the minga side hits a ball, both are in contact for a moment, at this moment both balls move (linked) towards the blow. At the time of separation, not be located in the position they were at the time of contact. This is one reason (friction is the other) that prevent the balls go the table just above the "center line" that occurs when being contacted by Minga (phenomenon of shipping).
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