In theory if I want the cue ball comes to color with no effect what I do is beat around the center so it does not take effect either up front or behind. The theory is true, but in practice tends to roll the ball by friction so as to arrive there without turning to hit pretty hard. That does not interest us at all because we will see how long the pool is well played soft, using the minimum force necessary in every shot. And here we face the first problem, we want to give soft key but, well, then start using the kick ....
The decline: is the effect achieved, beating down the white, there is a turning back on this. There comes a time when the kick and the ball dies and begins to turn into up front. The best thing to see is that using a striped ball to give you a kick up and see the turn comes a time when the reverse, by friction, just by turning forward. Between these two directions of rotation there is a moment where the ball or turns up front or back but also shows at that point we will call the point X.
Well, if you hit a ball straight back, controlling the strength and amount of rotation, we get the point x the effect that where the objective to which we give, we will have a perfect dive.
In this figure we see a straight shot, according to the strength (remember to hit up back) get that x is closer or farther away. The "x1" would be a loose shot, in this case the white to the yellow would not retreat, but spinning forward. The "x2" force would be ideal, she will get a perfect key. The "x3" would be too strong a shot to get a dive, but what will the white is back because at the time of the crash still has a turn back, so spend it going backwards.

Now that we see the practical theory. The first thing is to know how to get a kick hits maximum. With the block as flat as possible to the table by that I mean that old belief that the cue to make a retreat must be raised is completely wrong, we aim to practically under the cue ball so that when limemos to alante the sole of the heel is almost touching the table and focused on what that side is concerned. Once there we started grinding and started thinking about the entry itself. When we get to the ball must be straight, continuous and deep, so if the heel twist to penetrate bad, if I make the hit does not come evenly, but is jumping speed as it enters wrong, and if I make a very short entrance and did not penetrate at least a foot wrong next. so straight, continuous and deep. You can even do this not get the back right, then what happens is that although you probably aiming too low then the time to get this pounding in the middle of the white does not really matter too much down to aim, but how far down beaten. We must give more and more down to the taco pineapple (that mishit in which the white chalk jumps lack of input or too low.), Then we know that can not be so down, but there are players who claim that with proper technique you can hit almost touching the table that no blunder.
Exercise 1: Place all balls online and golpeémoslas directly (without white). Try to give maximum effect below and we'll look at where this point x. By varying the force with the maximum effect we see that x is farther or closer.
Exercise 2: On this line will throw the same, but this time trying to make the X is where we say, and see what are accomplished little by little our wishes.
Exercise 3: Take a ball a foot from the pocket and the white to a foot of the objective. Try to do a dive but always with the maximum setback possible. If a ball starts to rotate forward half way and just rolled after the collision, was carrying might not be strong enough or did not have sufficient effect. Always check first the effect, as the understatement of effect is the only trouble that is criminal in this lesson. If we see that we had the white backs of x never think we have gone from fact, but always hard. The goal is to get stuck with the least possible force to meet the goal of playing soft. This relationship (force minimum / maximum effect) in the pool is called QUALITY. When you say, but quality, meaning they are more effective and less force.
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